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What is Reiki, What is Reiki Healing and its benefits,what is a Reiki master ?

by - April 20, 2020

What is Reiki,Reiki Healing and its benefits,what is a reiki master ?

In Short
 Answer is Healing with your Hands:I am Not Kidding Scroll down

- So much has been discussed about reiki healing   

In today's world of integrated health care.

But there's still some confusion about what reiki really is.

why reiki can help with overall wellness.

These are the question in Everyone's Mind 

Let's Jump into it and find out 

There are some holistic health practitioner.

Who has presented a little about Reiki to people

that don't understand what reiki is, I think the

first thing we need to know is what it's all about.

- Reiki energy healing is a Japanese technique of stress reduction, relaxation,and it also promotes healing.

According to Reiki Experts Everything in the universe is energy,

everything, including emotions. When we have emotions, we can have emotional blocks 

that we hold onto,and that can affect that pure life-force energy.

So reiki is about helping to release those blocks.

- Is is just for mental and physical, or is it really an overall wellness that
you're going for with reiki?

- Oh, absolutely overall wellness. As a holistic health practitioner, you're looking at mind, body, and spirit.

It's very healing in all respects.There are even hospitals that are now using it.There are coping mechanisms and thank processes that we can do that just help us to recharge, to recenter.

Reiki is an excellent tool for doing that.

- So it's a good idea to have it in your wellness toolbox.

-  Exactly, who doesn't like to feel at peace and calm?

-  Yeah.

- Every soul living can benefit from it.

- You wanna show me how it's done?

- Sure.

I'm going to show you my way, other practitioners might do it a little bit differently, but it's all good.

- So , normally when I do reiki,

I'm used to laying down,but today I'm in a chair.

- The chair is a nice way for someone to be able to do it anywhere, and I can do a quick 10-minute session,

which can be amazing,just in the course of a day.

I don't touch the body.You may feel tingling or warmth,

and there's no right or wrong,whether you feel something or not.

- The biggest lesson that we can learn from reiki healing

is that it's just another great tool to add to our wellness toolbox.

- Yes, it helps with stress reduction, it helps with relaxation, it helps our body to heal,

it helps us center at the end of the day, also it helps us to prepare for the day ahead, and all the 

stresses and anxieties that can come up.

- For more information on how Reiki things work Please Click here and have a closer Look at Reiki with Reiki Masters.

Thanks for your Visit,Have Great Life Ahead

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